Sunday 27 June 2010

new start on here?

give me a pen call me, mr benzedrine, but don't let the doctor in i wanna blow off steam.

so i was thinking about re-starting this blog. this one is more of the public one i suppose, i have my other blog, which is probably the closest thing to a diary that i'll ever have.
but that isn't for you, that's for me.
this is for you, this is a glimpse into my brain O.o if you wanted to see that badly. this is what you can see, this is what i'm letting you see.
these are the mindless rambles that fill in the middle of the important stuff in my head.

this is the grey and foggy stuff in my brain, the hopes and dreams of an ambitionless, clueless seventeen year old.
yaaaaaay :')

lets start at the begining?
this is me;

i actually have black hair now. it suits me more than one would think. ahaa. i'm seventeen years old, and live in grimsby. i was born in napier, new zealand, but i lived most of my life in queenstown on the south island. i really hate living in grimsby, and in england for that matter, but if i was to pick a favourite place, it would have to be brighton on the south coast.

here's why;

my friends, and the sea.

i actually really miss brighton, loads. but things move on i suppose. it's kinda difficult sometimes, missing things has never been something i've been able to deal with well. but nvm.

moving on, i like a lot of things. i like canon cameras, models with suglasses and dirty blonde hair. i'm partial to a good vodka lemonade, or coke, or relentless, or redbull. whatever, i think vodka is my drink, and i'm usually a pretty happy drunk. i'm not angry, or violent, or horny :') i just want everyone to be as happy as i am. i suppose the same could be said for my everyday personality.

i love my life, my friends and my family. i'm not so much a fan of school or college, but i like to travel. if i could do anything for the rest of my life, it would be to travel. i have no inclination to go to university or to do any futher studying, appart from perhaps a mechanical engineering course, which would be taken purely for the lols.

i thrive on change, i love to move places, and hate staying in the same place for a very long time.

and i love having nothing. because the less you have the less can be taken away from you.

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